Friday, May 30, 2014

Fast get up and go technique

#Fast get up and go technique- #How to get out of the house fast. #curly, natural hair #afro hair #surfer hair #coloured hair # swimming pool hair

This youtube video has a good demonstration of how to look do your hair fast.

  1. Shower and detangle in the shower with fingers. Use a conditioner in the hair to do this and add slip and moisture. For naturally curly hair use fingers. For surfer, swimming pool, or colour treated hair you can use a wide tooth comb. My daughter is too young to do this on her own at this stage. I usually do all her detangling after the shower.
  2. For curly, afro hair use eco gel. Do it in sections to define curls and stop frizzy , flyaways. I need to track down some of this to try it. 

Fast Wash and go technique

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